We offer both in-person, and telehealth video sessions. Please request a session at your convenience.

(443) 470-9815 [email protected]
‘Now You Know’ Cards

‘Now You Know’ Cards

A story… Years ago, I was sitting with a client in session who was lamenting the disconnect between herself and family and friends. She was struggling with a skin picking disorder at the time and wasfrustrated with family members who just ‘didn’t get it’ or friends...
The Family Reunion Inside Our Heads

The Family Reunion Inside Our Heads

At times it can feel like we have too much noise going on in our heads.  Thoughts that we don’t want and try our best to push away.  The good news is that we have more power than we think we do.  Hear how our director, Shmuel Fischler LCSW-C breaks down one...

Urgency and OCD

As every individual with OCD knows, compulsions never arise as something inconsequential that can to be easily brushed off or ignored. Compulsions, by nature, feel urgent. Think about it, if you can easily put off: – checking to see if you left the stove on,...